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Empathetic Listening

What is an Empathetic listener?


Someone impartial and non-judgmental. Someone who won’t steal your ideas. Someone who will not label or diagnose or try to ‘fix’ you. Someone who will listen in confidence. Your listener is there to hear you – allow you the time to unload or to navigate through your thoughts and ideas – to get out of your head! Your listener is not a medical practitioner, psychologist or counsellor and will not offer any psychological evaluation or diagnosis.

Why hire an Empathetic listener?

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to you! Maybe your friends and family have heard enough or just can’t support you in the way you need? Maybe you have an idea you want to explore but you are not ready it to share it publicly yet? Perhaps you are waiting to get an appointment with a counsellor or need some support between sessions? The purpose of your call is to provide you a time to express yourself freely with the purpose of attaining some relief and clarity – for lightening the load, finding more ease and calm in your day.

Listening With Love

This is a 100% phone based service that you can access from wherever you feel comfortable. You can even stay anonymous as all booking is done online.

Each call is 45 minutes where you can talk about whatever is on your mind in a quiet and safe space. During the calls your listener is there for you as an impartial and non-judgmental support system and confident.

Your listener is there as a reflection of you, helping you to find clarity and relief - to find the answers you have within you as only you can know the best decisions for you.




Meeting face-to-face provides the opportunity for deeper and more personalised support that might otherwise be limited during the phone call listening service. The end goal is for you to find ease in life, to find quiet in the mind and peace in your body and soul.

Listening Services

Listening with Love

Connectivity Coaching

Listening With Love is a 100% phone-based listening service, where a safe space to talk and share your thoughts is provided.


We are here to listen without judgment, helping you explore and work towards finding solutions within yourself. Your call can even be anonymous.


Your journey is important to us, and we’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.


Reach out today and take the first step toward greater understanding and self-discovery.  

Packages and Contributions

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Listening With Love


1 session:

Connection in Confidence: 45 minutes 





​​Package of 4 sessions:

To be booked within one month  

4 x 45 minute phone sessions

Once per week 





Package of 8 sessions:

To be booked within one month
8 x 45 minute phone sessions

2 x per week




Connected Conversations


Monthly Package 1

Connections in Confidence

4 x 120-minute meet up

1 per week


Listening With Love

4 x 45-minute phone sessions

1 per week


Therapeutic Journaling

Daily email writing & weekly feedback and discussion in person





Monthly Package 2​

Connections in Confidence

2 x 120-minute meet up

1 every two weeks


Listening With Love

2 x 45-minute phone sessions

1 every two weeks


Therapeutic Journaling:

Daily email writing  

Bi-weekly feedback and discussion in person




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"It’s reassuring to have someone who you can talk to when life gets rough or when your mind gets cluttered. I find Tamara very trustworthy and easy to talk to. To me, a sounding board is someone who listens without judgment. Tamara helps me to clear my mind and put things into perspective. I can say any weird thing or irrational idea that pops into my head to Tamara, knowing that she won’t judge but hear me out with love and an open mind. I find her values down to earth and her ideas always practical. Talking to Tamara always makes me feel better. I’m grateful for her love and care. Kumi Masunaga

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